
FAQ - Questions to ask every "Breeder" you reach out to or talk to!


I am an open book, anything you want to know or would like to know I will gladly share with you to the best of my ability.

  I came across a Weimaraner Page that had some very interesting questions and it kind of gave me some food for thought. Although I am very open with my customers, I have had a few people come to me and say,

" I'm nervous to fill out a questionnaire or put a deposit down, because I have been scammed before."

- - as heartbreaking as that is, it happens all the time. I believe we all should make ourselves as aware as possible and we should also ask ALL the questions. There are no wrong questions or "too many" questions. If a breeder cannot or will not take the time to talk, text, chat, video chat, etc. to give you the buyer and new owner as much peace of mind as possible than that is a huge RED FLAG! 🚩🚩🚩

Please do your research, look at all the possibilities and again don't forget to ask ALL the questions. :)

Questions I recommend asking...

  Were the puppies born on the premises?  

All of our puppies are born here and raised here with us. As puppies are being born, I am recording their time of birth, birth order, weight, collar color, birthing position, etc. I keep a record of each puppy from birth up to 8 weeks. 

*If they are still here after 8 weeks puppies still get vaccines and deworming's, but I don't keep up with weights.

{unless i co-own a litter} 

If that is the case, it will be posted, and I have a tab associated with the 2 females that I do currently co-own.

Do you (the Breeder) own both Sire {Father} & Dam {Mother}?

If the answer is yes that is wonderful. Paperwork is a breeze. If the answer is no, inquire why and then also request contact information for that specific owner (phone, email, etc.)

* Most of the time it's a breeder who lives in another State or Country. Usually, they have no issues sending pics of their dog or having you go to their website or social media site.

**Be weary of anyone who says I don't have contact information - that is a lie or they are scamming you from the beginning and making it seem like you inquiring about information is wrong - and it is not wrong to know health and genetic specifics and temperament about your potential puppy's lineage.

Did the breeder ask you lots of questions or did you fill out a questionnaire for that breeder / Kennel?  

I do like to ask questions myself, but I also have a questionnaire that I do REQUIRE from anyone interested in getting a puppy / dog from me.

I like to have the questionnaire filled out so I can review it, look it over, contact one or all of the references, I do take the time to review your social media accounts. Yes, I will send you a follow or a friend request because I do like to be friends with the potential customers so I can see how the dog is growing and being raised in the home/family. {no, its not a requirement- but I do love seeing them.}

I try my absolute very best to make sure that each puppy is going to a loving home that I will take the very best care of each individual dog. 

  Are the Sire and Dam tested for Genetic health issues?  

Here at LAAT WEIMS i do Genetic Test each and every one of my dogs. I wait until they are after 1 year old to give them time to grow and develop. I also take them in for their routine vet appointments and health checkups. I want to do my very best to guarantee that there will not be any health issues to arise, but i cannot 100% that something will not pop up or happen after that dog has gone home. I do keep an open line of communication open so i hope that if anything does happen or pop up that you as the owner can and will come to me and keep me in the loop. I will do my very best to be as attentive and involved as i can be. 

My Genetic tests can be viewed here on my website by clicking on Health Testing or you can google Paw Print Genetics and look us up there as well.

  Full or Limited Registration  

This is a very sensitive topic but it's something that needs to be discussed and more breeders need to take this way more serious than they currently do!

I will explain:

1. You have no idea what kind of home that dog will end up with. - A fully registered dog means that they can be bred.

2. You will most likely not be included in on how the dog is doing later on in life and you will have no idea if that dog has been bounced around to home after home or how many litters they will have had or sired.

3. Selling a Fully Reregistered dog means that you have no control as the original owner to say later on, "hey I want to change that."

4. Breeding a dog is more than, OH.... look puppies! It's a lifelong commitment that I try my very hardest to go above and beyond.


Examples: (for lengthy reasons I will omit some details)

1. I sold a male dog with full rights- Said Male dog became of age and the owner decided to breed it to a female. After the breeding the owner of the male never got to see the puppies or even pictures of the puppies, she has no idea what kind of life those puppies are going to have now. It upset her so bad that she had her male dog fixed!

2. I sold a Female with full rights- I have an okay relationship with the owner which is really nice so I can see how she's growing up and the puppies she has.... again, I can't determine where her puppies go and etc. so it's a bit heartbreaking at times but that's a decision that was made.

3. I sold a female with Limited rights - The female "accidently" became pregnant by the new owners Weimaraner stud. The owner called me in a panic - the female was then registered in Full. The new owner and I made an agreement, that agreement was not followed through with. So, I now have no contact with the owner at this time.

*As the breeder I get that choice to choose whether or not i sell with Full or Limited and I chose to NOT sell anymore with Full registration. The only one I have let go will Full is Birdie whom I co-own, in which I get a say so in her health and well-being. 

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