
Weimaraner Resources 

Puppy Ads

    Puppy Find ::

*When i have available puppies i do sometimes list them here for sale.

Breeder Ethics :: Good Dog Breeder  

    AKC :: AKC link to responsible breeders

    Weimaraner Club of America :: WCA

    Blue Weimaraner Club of America :: BWCOA

* I do not belong to WCA or BWCOA because I am not able to belong to both at the same time. The rules state you can belong to one but not both and seeing that I raise Blue and Silver-Gray clearly im not eligible for membership. It is a choice that I make. 

Weimaraner Resources

    Barrett Weimaraners :: This website has some amazing information and wonderful articles! Well worth reading. :)

    Weimaraner Dog Breed :: Link describing the Weimaraner dog/ breed.

    Are you ready to own a Weim? :: A fun quiz to take to see if you are ready to become a Weim parent. :)

    Information about the originial Weim :: The history of the Weimaraner

    Wikipedia- Weimaraner

Official Standard for the Weimaraner

General Appearance: A medium-sized gray dog, with fine aristocratic features. He should present a picture of grace, speed, stamina, alertness and balance. Above all, the dog's conformation must indicate the ability to work with great speed and endurance in the field.

Height: Height at the withers: dogs, 25 to 27 inches; bitches, 23 to 25 inches. One inch over or under the specified height of each sex is allowable but should be penalized. Dogs measuring less than 24 inches or more than 28 inches and bitches measuring less than 22 inches or more than 26 inches shall be disqualified.

Head: Moderately long and aristocratic, with moderate stop and slight median line extending back over the forehead. Rather prominent occipital bone and trumpets well set back, beginning at the back of the eye sockets. Measurement from tip of nose to stop equals that from stop to occipital bone. The flews should be straight, delicate at the nostrils. Skin drawn tightly. Neck clean-cut and moderately long. Expression kind, keen and intelligent. Ears -Long and lobular, slightly folded and set high. The ear when drawn snugly alongside the jaw should end approximately 2 inches from the point of the nose. Eyes-In shades of light amber, gray or blue-gray, set well enough apart to indicate good disposition and intelligence. When dilated under excitement the eyes may appear almost black. Teeth-Well set, strong and even; well-developed and proportionate to jaw with correct scissors bite, the upper teeth protruding slightly over the lower teeth but not more than one sixteenth of an inch. Complete dentition is greatly to be desired.Nose-Gray. Lips and Gums-Pinkish flesh shades.

Body: The back should be moderate in length, set in a straight line, strong, and should slope slightly from the withers. The chest should be well developed and deep with shoulders well laid back. Ribs well sprung and long. Abdomen firmly held; moderately tucked-up flank. The brisket should extend to the elbow.

Coat and Color: Short, smooth and sleek, solid color, in shades of mouse-gray to silver-gray, usually blending to lighter shades on the head and ears. A small white marking on the chest is permitted, but should be penalized on any other portion of the body. White spots resulting from injury should not be penalized. A distinctly long coat is a disqualification. A distinctly blue or black coat is a disqualification. Forelegs: Straight and strong, with the measurement from the elbow to the ground approximately equaling the distance from the elbow to the top of the withers.

Hindquarters: Well-angulated stifles and straight hocks. Musculation well developed.

Feet: Firm and compact, webbed, toes well arched, pads closed and thick, nails short and gray or amber in color. Dewclaws-Should be removed.

Tail: Docked. At maturity it should measure approximately 6 inches with a tendency to be light rather than heavy and should be carried in a manner expressing confidence and sound temperament. A non-docked tail shall be penalized.

Gait: The gait should be effortless and should indicate smooth coordination. When seen from the rear, the hind feet should be parallel to the front feet. When viewed from the side, the topline should remain strong and level.

Temperament: The temperament should be friendly, fearless, alert and obedient.

Faults: Minor Faults-Tail too short or too long. Pink nose. Major Faults-Doggy bitches. Bitchy dogs. Improper muscular condition. Badly affected teeth. More than four teeth missing. Back too long or too short. Faulty coat. Neck too short, thick or Page 2of 2throaty. Low-set tail. Elbows in or out. Feet east and west. Poor gait. Poor feet. Cowhocks. Faulty backs, either roached or sway. Badly overshot, or undershot bite. Snipy muzzle. Short ears.Very Serious Faults-White, other than a spot on the chest. Eyes other than gray, blue-gray or light amber. Black mottled mouth. Non-docked tail. Dogs exhibiting strong fear, shyness or extreme nervousness.

Disqualifications: Deviation in height of more than one inch from standard either way. A distinctly long coat. A distinctly blue or black coat.

Approved December 14, 1971

*Also note that the color - Silver or Silver Gray also recognized as Mouse Gray are the only colors allowed to show. Blue Weimaraners are recognized as pure Weimaraners, they are just not allowed to show.

Blue Weimaraners may do field testing but not show ring.

Weimaraner : The Weimaraner Bible by Susanne Saben

This book has everything you need to know about Weimaraner's from Weimaraner Puppies, Weimaraner Breeders, Weimaraner Rescue, bringing your Weimaraner home, Weimaraner Dogs as Adults, Weimaraner Health, Weimaraner Temperament, Weimaraner Training and all the proven insider tips you’ll need to succeed with this incredible breed!
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